Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hood to Coast

We're looking for two people for our Hood to Coast team; this is a fun team and not a terribly hard core group.  Most expenses have been paid and the cost to you would be nominal; you could stay with us if you're from out of town.

If you are not familiar with the event, go check it out here:

Hood to Coast
August 27th & 28th

Let me know.


  1. The Hood to Coast Relay is one of my bucket list runs. Unfortunately I'm working that weekend or I'd be saying "me, me, pick me!"

  2. Wrong side of the continent! But, I bet it's a blast!

  3. Wrong side of ... the world but I would like!

  4. That would have been sooo cool! I wish I could do it :(

  5. I've heard that is a very classy relay. I may be interested but I'm waiting to find out if I'm traveling that week.
